On the Way to
Europe`s leading
hydrogen region
HY-5 from Northern Germany
The economic development organisations of the northern German states of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein have joined forces on initiative of the IHK Nord to form the green hydrogen alliance HY-5. The new initiative, promoting the states as an economic stronghold, aims to make Northern Germany the leading future region for green hydrogen in Europe and to complete the value chain for green hydrogen. Together, the federal states want to contribute to establishing Northern Germany as a hydrogen region.

According to the OECD, Northern Germany is particularly well-suited for the development of a green hydrogen economy, which is set to be established by 2035.
The region has unique locational advantages for the production of renewable energies and a large potential for the purchase of green hydrogen - especially from local industrial companies.

The Federal Republic of Germany will be investing 9 billion euros in the development of a hydrogen economy in the coming years. Ask our experts how we can support you in branching out or investing in Northern Germany.
Contact usSuccess stories
There are already numerous hydrogen projects underway in Northern Germany.
Take a look at some of them:

The World’s first Hydogen Train
Coradia iLint: The World’s first Hydogen Train Information Salzgitter, Lower SaxonyALSTOM from Salzgitter has developed the world's first
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The Largest H2 Mobility Project in Germany
The Largest H2 Mobility Project in Germany Information North Frisia, Schleswig-HolsteinThe North Frisian company GP Joule focuses on
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SALCOS: Green steel
Saltos: Steelmaking with green hydrogen Information Salzgitter, Lower Saxony The SALCOS concept (SAlzgitter Low CO2Steelmaking) comprises hydrogen generation
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North German living labs
North German living labs Information Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schleswig-Holstein HamburgThe Northern German regulatory sandbox, the so-called Reallabor, is all about
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Power-to-Gas-Facilities of the Future
Power-to-Gas-Facilities of the Future Information Rostock, Western-Pomerania APEX Energy operates the Hydrogen Performance Centre Northern Germany (Wasserstoff-Leistungszentrum Northern
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The “Energiefabrik”: Showcase MV
The “Energiefabrik”: Showcase MV Information Lübesse, Western-Pomerania Emission-free and decentralized energy supply for the municipality of Lübesse and
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Green Gas for Bremerhaven
Green Gas for Bremerhaven Information Bremerhaven, Bremen In Bremerhaven, the most important fields of application for "green gas"
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HyBit: Decarbonization
and Sector Coupling
HyBit: Decarbonization and Sector Coupling Information BremenTogether with the Oldenburg-based energy company EWE and its subsidiary SWB in
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Westküste 100
Westküste 100: HYDROGEN ECONOMY ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE Information Heide, Schleswig-HolsteinIn the WESTKÜSTE 100 regulatory sandbox in Schleswig-Holstein,
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Mega Electrolyser in Hamburg
100 MW Electrolyser in Hamburg Information HamburgIn the Port of Hamburg, the construction of one of the world's
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Aqua Ductus: Hydrogen Transportation
Aqua Ductus: Hydrogen Transportation Information Schleswig-Holstein, HelgolandIn the future, the AquaDuctus transport pipeline will transport green hydrogen from
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Aqua Primus: Green Hydrogen & North Sea
Aqua Primus: Green Hydrogen from the North Sea Information Helgoland, SH By 2025, two 14-MW offshore wind turbines
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HyPerLink: Hydrogen infrastructure
HyPerLink: Hydrogen infrastructure Information Northern GermanyHyPerLink creates a high-performance grid connection in northern Germany between the import sources
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GET H2: Industrial value chains
GET H2: Industrial value chains and infrastructure Information Niedersachsen and Nordrhein-WestfalenThe project is based on the GET H2
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Lingen Green Hydrogen: Niedersachsen
Lingen Green Hydrogen: Niedersachsen Information Lingen, Niedersachsen Less CO2 emissions and more sustainable fuels - that is the
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Hydrogen grid for Hamburg’s industry
HH-WIN: Hydrogen grid for Hamburg’s industry Information Hamburg To supply energy-intensive industries in Hamburg with hydrogen, Gasnetz Hamburg
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Clean Hydrogen Coastline
Clean Hydrogen Coastline: production & use Information Bremen and Niedersachsen The Clean Hydrogen Coastline project, which among others
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DRIBE: Hydrogen and sponge iron
DRIBE: Hydrogen and sponge iron Information Bremen The ArcelorMittal steel company Bremen wants to reduce its carbon footprint
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WIPLiN: Hydrogen in the aviation industry
WIPLiN: Hydrogen in the aviation industry Information Bremen, Hamburg and Niedersachsen For Airbus, hydrogen is a key technology
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HyTechHafen Rostock: energy hub
HyTechHafen Rostock: energy hub Information Rostock, Mecklenburg-VorpommernAt the Rostock seaport (SHR), an industrial centre for green hydrogen with
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You can find further information here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
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